Para Classification
Physical Impairment – Classification
Classified athletes with a physical impairment are eligible to compete in the PR1, PR2, or PR3 marked events (excluding PR3-II). An international classification panel for athletes with a physical impairment will be offered in Prague on 21/22 February 2024. Member Federations may request an international classification on behalf of an athlete by uploading all classification and medical documentation to the WRRowingTwo portal.
Deadline for Member Federationsto load medical documents: by 09 January 2024.
Athletes who are unable to obtain an internationalclassification for the WRICH (during the virtual qualification phase) should first contact their National Rowing Federation.
If a Member Federation does not have national classifiers, they may contact classification@worldrowing.comto request a VirtualClassification Panel (VCP). The VCP will utilise alternative means, including video conferencing, combined with international and national classifiers, in order to temporarily classify those rowers who wish to participate in the 2024 WRICH. Athletesclassified by a VCP will receive a “NEW” sport class status, and will only be permitted to compete in the 2024 WRICH.Conducting aVCPwill be granted at World Rowing’s sole discretion.
Deadline for VCP requests: 09 Feb 2023
Requests for a VCP should be submitted as soon as possible via email toclassification@worldrowing.com, by noting “VCP Request 2024 WRICH” in the header.
Athletes classified by a VCP will be required to attend a full physical classification later by a World Rowing international panel before being allowed to compete in any future on-water regatta or any indoor rowing competition.
Athletes with an Intellectual Impairment
Competitors with an intellectual impairment may compete in a PR3-II (Intellectually Impaired) category if they are listed as eligible on the VIRTUS international master athlete list. In order for the athlete to be added to the VIRTUS international master athlete list, the athlete must go through a series of assessments with a trained educational psychologist (or equivalent in their nation). Once the assessments are completed the results must go to their country’s VIRTUS member organisation national eligibility officer (NEO) who will assess them once again, and pass them on to the VIRTUS International Eligibility Committee. Once the paperwork has been approved and fee paid, the athlete will appear on the master Athlete list.
The Virtus Eligibility Committee can take up to 12 weeks for a name to appear if the Committee has to go back to the athlete for further evidence. Athletes MUST ensure that their name appears on the VIRTUS international master athlete list BEFORE making an entry. Entries made on an unapproved VIRTUS classification – will not be refunded.
Athletes with a Visual Impairment
Classified athletes with a visual impairment are eligible to compete in the PR3 markedevents (excluding PR3-II). Note: VI Classification will NOT be offered at the 2024 WRICH in Prague.
For questions about international classification (visual or physical), please email: classification@worldrowing.com