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Para Eligibility
In order to improve the accessibility of the 2024 WRICH and ERICH in PR1, PR2, and PR3 events, both National and International Classifications will be accepted. Competitors must possess a valid national or international sport class in order to compete in PR1, PR2, or PR3 events. To view the list of athletes who have been internationally classified, please view the Master Athlete Classification List on the World Rowing Website or at https://worldrowing.com/technical/para-rowing-classification
If an athlete is not internationally classified, but has a valid national classification, this must be verifiable on the public master list on the Member Federation website, or the Member Federation of that athlete must email classification@worldrowing.com to confirm the sport class and sport class status of that athlete. At its discretion, World Rowing reserves the right not to accept a national classification for WRICH eligibility.
More detailed information is available here:
Competitor Entry and Qualification Guidelines

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